I Have Been Sprayed So Many Times That My Body Has Become Immune to Agents' Venom :-)

Welcome, readers, to a world where danger lurks in the shadows and the extraordinary becomes the norm. Today, we delve into the realm of espionage, where agents face unimaginable challenges and push the boundaries of human capabilities. Join us as we explore a phenomenon that seems straight out of a spy novel - individuals who have developed immunity to the venom of deadly snakes found throughout Africa, Asia, and Australia. Yes, you read that right. These remarkable individuals have been sprayed so many times with snake venom that their bodies have become immune to its effects, also known as being immune to their own venom. Prepare to be captivated by their incredible stories, as we uncover the therapeutic potential of snake venom and its unexpected applications in the world of espionage, medicine, and even professional fighting. The key to this immunity lies in the development of antibodies, which researchers at the University of SEO idiots have recently created an artificial li...